Previous Announcements
Fall Movie Night 2023
Welcome back to another scouting year with Pack 195. The pack will kick off the 2023/24 year with a 9/11 ceremony on Tue Sep 12th, the Pack meeting on Mon Sep 18th, followed by the Franklin Day event in Colonial Park, on Sat Sep 23rd, and then our popular Outdoor Movie Night on Mon Sep 25th Mon Oct 2nd (rain date change). This year per popular demand, we will be showing The Super Mario Bros. Movie. The start time is at 7pm, projecting on the side of the back garage of St. Matthias School. Movie night details in the flyer, and the list of all September events are here.
2023 Pinewood Derby
The cub scouts from Pack 195 ran another fun Pinewood Derby race on Saturday Feb 25th, 2023. It was great to see many new scouts participate this year. The event was also livestreamed and is available to watch A big thanks to all the participants, as well as their parents, leaders and volunteers.
The official results are available here. Congrats to our overall 2023 champion - Luke M.
Outdoor Movie Night
Pack 195 is inviting cubscouts, their families and friends (please invite families with cubscout age kids) to our outdoor movie night on Friday October 7th, 2022, at 6:45pm by the garage in back SMS parking lot (the rain date is the following Fri Oct 14th). The movie selection process is in progress, and our final candidate will announced soon. Dress warmly, bring your own lawn chair, snacks and drinks will be provided. The movie flier to share is available here.
P195 is back for 2022/2023
We at Pack 195 hope everyone had a great and fun summer, and is ready for new adventures with cubscouts here in Somerset. See a list of few upcoming events Welcome to Pack 195, as well as check our Calendar periodically.
To learn more details about scouting with us check out the Intro to Cub Scouting guidebook by our PPC.
2022 Pinewood Derby
February 12th, 2022 saw our next successful Pinewood Derby here at Pack 195, in-person this year, at SMS Cafeteria. It was so great to see cubscout work really hard on get the cars race ready. The event was also livestreamed on YoutTube, available for replay - Huge thanks to all the cubscouts, parents and leaders.
Please see the official results of this year's Pinewood Derby. Hats off to our Pack Champion - Arrow of Light Scout- Nicholas K.
Movie Night @SMS
Anyone interested in cubscouts can come out for an outdoor movie night on Monday Sept 27th @7pm (rain date Fri Oct 8th @7pm) at St. Matthias School back parking lot, where our leaders will be ready to answer any parent question about Cub Scout program. The movie we will be showing is Luca [2021, PG rating]. Please BYOL (lawn chair :-).
See our flier for further info.
Spring Car Wash
Pack 195 along with Troop 154 invites all Somerset locals to our Spring Car Wash (postponed from Memorial Day Weekend due to rain) on Saturday June 5th, between 10am and 3pm, in front of St. Matthias Church @168 JFK Blvd in Somerset.
See our flier for further info, and SignupGenius.
Memorial Day Ceremony
Pack 195 participated in the annual Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday 5/31, in Franklin Township Memorial Park in front of the Municipal Complex. The scouts joined the Police Dept and Canal Walk Veterans in honoring the fallen heroes.
2021 Pinewood Derby
This year we are having our 1st virtual Pinewood Derby. The scout families are requested to drop off their PD race cars on Friday 3/5 btw 6:30-8:00pm at SMS Cafeteria, where we will check them in. The derby will be run by the leaders and volunteers on Saturday starting at 10am, until 1pm or so. It will be live streamed on Youtube Live -, as well as Facebook Live - The derby will be followed by an outdoor, in-person, socially distanced Pack meeting in SMS back parking lot, starting at 2pm.
Contrats to all the participants, a great job with your amazing cars. Please see the official results of this year's Pinewood Derby. Hats off to our Pack Champion - Webelo Daniel G.
Fall Car Wash
UPDATE - Please note, due to close to freezing temperature forecast for this Saturday Oct 31st, and safety of our cub scouts, we are falling back to our "rain date" next Sat Nov 7th, 10am-3pm.
Pack 195 invites all Somerset locals to our Fall Car Wash on Saturday October 31st, between 10am and 3pm, in front of St. Matthias Church @168 JFK Blvd in Somerset.
See our flier for further info.
Back from summer
Pack 195 is resuming Cub Scout meetings / events following the summer break. We will have our annual parent meeting on Monday Sep 28th @7pm, virtually this year. Following that, we will try to have the den meetings outdoors (weather permitting), or virtually. Our calendar of events is still being worked on, but we will soon post the events for next month or two. Can't wait to hear all the summer stories, in this weird year.
End of year Advancement Ceremony - Mon Aug 3, 2020
Pack 195 will hold the end of the year 2019-2020 Advancement ceremony in the SMS back parking lot on Monday August 3rd, at 7pm. The scouts with their families will remain in their cars, which will be parked at marked parking spots. The scouts will be awarded the remainder of their earned adventures for current rank, and also advanced to the next rank. One of the leaders will deliver the ziplock bag with the awards to each car during the ceremony, at what point the family can cheer / honk in support of their son's achievement.
Summer Drive-Up Movie - Wed Jul 29, 2020
Please consider joining us at Winnebago Scout Reservation for our Drive-Up Movie event to help support our COVID-19 relief fund! The date is Wednesday, July 29, and tickets are $25 per car (up to five attendees). You can register for the summer fun that will feature "Jurassic Park" by clicking here.
Scout Adventure Carnival - Sat Jul 25, 2020
We would like to invite you, your scouts and their friend to our Carnival this Saturday July 25th at Johnson Park’s Grove 4 in Piscataway starting at 11:00 am. Our first priority is to keep our scouts and community safe. As a result, our Scout events have changed and this an opportunity to have your scouts participate in an outdoor scout activity. All activities will be social distanced, and all volunteers will wear a mask.
We will have free activities including Stomp Rockets, BB’s, Troop displays, Popcorn among others. This is a free event, and all are welcome!
Biking flier
Fishing flier
Rockets flier